Monday, May 14, 2012


Two men are driving in a car during the night time while it's raining and there's country music playing on the radio. The vast fields of the countryside pass by as they cruise into the night...

Man1-"I think we ran over something."
Man2-*snicker* "What makes you say that?"
Man1-"It smells really bad."
Man2-*sniff sniff* "Aw, you're right! Must have been just barely a second ago."
Man1-"Ugh. It's really bad..." *holds nose*
Man2-*cracks window* "Here we go."
Man1-"OH MY--! It's coming from outside, it smells so much worse!"
Man2-"S**t, yeah that's bad." *holds nose and rolls back up the window*
Man1-"Why on earth does it smell like that?! That's nothing I've ever smelt before."
Man2-"Whoa. What's that? What IS that?!"

Man2, the designated driver, suddenly comes to an urgent stop in the middle of the road. Both men step out of their car into the cold moist atmosphere of the light rain. What sat before them completely blocking off the road was a massive heap of what appeared to be mutilated corpses of people stacked up about two stories high. Man1 leans over to throw up his dinner all over the cold wet asphalt he stood upon as Man2 just stands there in awe at how big the pile of corpses was, the country music still playing in the background from the car's radio. How on earth did something like this come to be? And why did it happen?...

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